
Color Schemes in iTerm2

After I recently switched to a new color scheme in my editor, I found myself trying to recreate it in iTerm. After researching a bit, I discovered that it wasn’t that difficult. There is a site schemes and you can use any of the schemes there as a template for yours. I used the Solalized:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
    <key>Ansi 0 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 1 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 10 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 11 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 12 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 13 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 14 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 15 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 2 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 3 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 4 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 5 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 6 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 7 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 8 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Ansi 9 Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Background Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Bold Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Cursor Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Cursor Text Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Foreground Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Selected Text Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>
    <key>Selection Color</key>
	    <key>Blue Component</key>
	    <key>Green Component</key>
	    <key>Red Component</key>

Looking at this XML there really isn’t a lot of complexity. It’s mostly contexts of some sort and red, green and blue color definitions. What confused me though were the values that were in the <real> tags. I thought that it might be some way of specifying colors that I wasn’t familiar with. I know RBG and html colors, but I had never seen decimal numbers.

I can’t remember where I found it, but the trick was that these floating point numbers were actually percentages of the respective RGB values. So let’s say you have values of R=45, G=55 and B=67. You have to divide these numbers by 255 to get the percentages (values) for our <real> tags. In my case, the RGB colors 45, 55, 67, were the values for the Background Color, so I put them in the Red, Blue and Green Components of the <key>Background Color</key>.

Once you’ve done this, creating a color scheme for iTerm2 is quite trivial.

If you use emacs and use the Misterioso color theme, then you may want to check out my iTerm2 scheme I haven’t quite finished it. The background, foreground, cursor color and so on are set, but you’ll notice that in the above XML there are <key>Ansi XX Color</key> tags. These are used for colored output in, for instance, the ls command. Once I get those, I’ll probably move the color theme to a separate repository.

background-color #2d3743

foreground-color #e1e1e0

cursor background #415160

highlight background #338f86

highlight foreground #e1e1e0

fontlock builtin #23d7d7

fontlock comment #74af68

fontlock constant #008b8b

function name bold #00ede1

keyword #ffad29

string foreground #e67128

typeface #34cae2

variable name #dbdb95

warning #ff4242

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